
On 11/7/22 16:40, Rob Sargent wrote:

On 11/7/22 14:26, Christopher Schultz wrote:

On 11/7/22 14:09, Rob Sargent wrote:
Are there any semantics to Resourse name attributes?

Or is <Resource name="jdbc/here/there" ... /> no more or less valid than <Resource name="jdbcHereThere" ... />

As far as Tomcat is concerned, it's basically the Wild West.

Some other application servers (usually the "enterprise" ones) are super strict about where things go in the JNDI space. It's very common to see JDBC connections placed into java:comp/env/jdbc/[connection-name] but I think technically you could put them just about anywhere.

If you put them somewhere else, someone's gonna say "hey, what the heck are you doing that for?" because, well, #conventions.


Thank you.  Indeed  I use

    Context sgsContext  = (Context) ic.lookup("java:/comp/env");

but I am playing fast and loose with resource names within that context.  Is that a foot gun?

Do you mean because you used "java:/comp/env" and I used "java:comp/env"? I think the leading slash doesn't matter.


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