Hello Lorenzo,

 -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
 Von: Lorenzo Dalla Vecchia <lorenzo.dallavecc...@webratio.com>
 Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Dezember 2022 23:42
 An: users@tomcat.apache.org
 Betreff: HTTP/2 streams reset by Tomcat are treted as 503 errors by Apache
 HTTP Server


 We are having a random issue in a setup with Tomcat deployed behind Apache
 httpd. Some HTTP/2 requests proxied to Tomcat by httpd end with a
 503 (service unavailable) response to the web browser client.

 Tomcat version is 9.0.58 running with Java 1.8.0 in a Docker container.
 Docker version is 18.09.2 and the host machine runs Ubuntu 18.04.

 I only have access to httpd logs, because enabling Tomcat logs
 (org.apache.coyote.http2.level = FINE) cause the problem to go away.

 The following is an excerpt of a failing HTTP/2 stream, requested by httpd to

    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.202719 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(931): [remote]
 AH03363: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): submit localhost/app/143.js -> 1
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.202784 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(345): [remote]
 AH03343: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): sent FRAME[HEADERS[length=549,
 hend=1, stream=1, eos=0]]
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.277438 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): recv FRAME[HEADERS[length=120,
 hend=1, stream=1, eos=0]]
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.277441 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): recv FRAME[DATA[length=0, flags=1,
 stream=1, padlen=0]]
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.277445 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): recv FRAME[RST_STREAM[length=4,
 flags=0, stream=1]]
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.277448 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(560): [remote]
 AH03360: h2_proxy_session(219-1289): stream=1, closed, err=8
    [Thu Dec 15 21:21:25.277449 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 44:tid
 139828875544320] h2_proxy_session.c(1352): [remote]
 AH03364: h2_proxy_sesssion(219-1289): stream(1) closed (touched=0,

 This is a similar excerpt from a successful HTTP/2 stream between the same

    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.516817 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(931): [remote]
 AH03363: h2_proxy_session(212-197): submit localhost/app/1543.js -> 3
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.516849 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(345): [remote]
 AH03343: h2_proxy_session(212-197): sent FRAME[HEADERS[length=59,
 hend=1, stream=3, eos=0]]
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.569569 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(212-197): recv FRAME[HEADERS[length=33,
 hend=1, stream=3, eos=0]]
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.569575 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(212-197): recv FRAME[DATA[length=0, flags=1,
 stream=3, padlen=0]]
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.569576 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(560): [remote]
 AH03360: h2_proxy_session(212-197): stream=3, closed, err=0
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.569577 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(1352): [remote]
 AH03364: h2_proxy_sesssion(212-197): stream(3) closed (touched=0,
    [Wed Dec 14 15:31:19.569753 2022] [proxy_http2:debug] [pid 42:tid
 140518005270272] h2_proxy_session.c(267): [remote]
 AH03341: h2_proxy_session(212-197): recv FRAME[RST_STREAM[length=4,
 flags=0, stream=3]]

 In both cases, the request is a GET with "If-Modified-Since" header that should
 result in a 304 response (not modified).
 So, it is correct that there is no request nor response body.
 The sequence of exchanged frames is

 - httpd sends HEADERS frame,
 - Tomcat sends HEADERS frame,
 - Tomcat sends DATA frame with length 0 (correct) and with END_STREAM flag
 - Tomcat sends RST_STREAM frame.

 I think the problem is somehow related to the RST_STREAM frame.
 In the failing case, it is read by httpd before it declares the stream closed, 
 the frame contained the CANCEL error code (error=8, err=8).
 In the successful case, it is read by httpd after the stream is declared 
closed, so
 the log does not show its error code. Either the code is NO_ERROR (0) or it is
 still CANCEL (8) but it is too late for httpd to change the outcome of the 
 which it declared error=0.

 The cases when the stream ends with a non-zero code on httpd side are
 precisely the ones that result in a 503 error for the client.

 The problem looks very time-sensitive. I can only reproduce it with Tomcat
 HTTP/2 logs disabled, without a Java debugger attached to Tomcat, and with
 real network lag.
 I created an automatic test case that uses a browser to download 20 files
 concurrently and repeats every couple of seconds.

 - With httpd and Tomcat on two different cloud machines, without Tomcat logs,
 the problem happens after maximum 30 seconds.
 - With httpd and Tomcat on my machine or Tomcat logs/debug enabled, I gave
 up reproducing the problem after 10 hours.

 It also appears that the problem is sensitive to the response being a
 304 with no body.
 If I disable caching, the problem becomes a lot harder to reproduce but still
 possible (I'd say about 20 times less probable).

 My guess is that the RST_STREAM frame sent by Tomcat always contains the
 CANCEL code, and there is a race condition with httpd closing the stream.
 When the RST_STREAM arrives before closing, httpd interprets the CANCEL
 code as an error condition and reports that to the client with
 503 error code.

 I looked at the sources for the HTTP/2 connector and found this code around
 line 100 of org.apache.coyote.http2.StreamProcessor.

    StreamException se = new StreamException(
        sm.getString("streamProcessor.cancel", stream.getConnectionId(),
            stream.getIdAsString()), Http2Error.CANCEL, stream.getIdAsInt());

 This seems to be the only place where the connector is sending a CANCEL
 besides the forced closing of the connection in

 I don't know HTTP/2 deeply enough to say that sending CANCEL here is wrong,
 also because I'm not sure I understand the situation that the connector is
 addressing. However, could it be that the correct code here shold be
 I recompiled the class with that change, and my test case ran for 12 hours
 without fail.

 There is also this bug report for the Go http2 package:
 It looks pretty similar to the problem we see here (except that, in that case, 
 client is directly a browser).
 The folks there conclude that the CANCEL error code is mostly intended for
 clients and that servers should end "useless" streams with NO_ERROR.
 They also quote a section of the RFC
 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7540#section-8.1), but I am not sure if it
 applies to the Tomcat case.

 What do you think? Could this be a rare Tomcat bug, an httpd bug, or
 something else?
 Please let me know if you need more information.

 Thanks in advance for your help.


Can you check, whether http compression is enabled on your tomcat?
Connector-Snippet from server.xml would also be fine.

I have similar sporadic issues when compression is enabled.
Maybe we experience the same issue.

Greetings, Thomas

Hi Thomas.

Here is my connector configuration.

<Connector URIEncoding="UTF-8" executor="sharedThreadPool" port="18080" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" asyncTimeout="${ASYNC_TIMEOUT}" secure="true" scheme="https" redirectPort="8443" proxyPort="443" server="-" maxHttpHeaderSize="65536"> <UpgradeProtocol className="org.apache.coyote.http2.Http2Protocol"/>

Looks like compression is disabled.


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