
On 11/29/23 05:01, Graham Leggett wrote:
On 28 Nov 2023, at 21:10, Graham Leggett <> wrote:

So the reason we get a 400 Bad Request with no error detail is that we arrive 
at this line with throwable set to null:

With no throwable we are eventually led here, which is our generic “an error 
has occurred, not telling you what it is” page:

I think I've figured out what is happening, I've not yet figured out why it is 
happening, but we’ve got further.

In my case, a jersey-client v3 API is generating a big non-pretty blob of XML 
on one line (no newlines), and is passing this in a POST request to tomcat9 
listening on a unix domain socket.

If I hijack the unix domain socket with socat, I only see 4096-ish bytes being 
received of a body of size approx 1/4MB (from Content-Length, not chunked). 
This looks suspiciously like the size of one write. Why that’s happening is a 
jersey-client question.

In tomcat9 however, it appears that tomcat is seeing 4096-ish bytes, a closed 
and truncated connection (we have a Content-Length so tomcat9 knows it’s 
truncated), tomcat9 is correctly picking up the request body is too small, and 
is correctly returning 400 Bad Request, but there is no exception or detail 
string, so the admin has no idea this is what’s wrong.

Good sleuthing so far.

Are you able to test this with tomcat 9 listening on a TCP/IP connection instead of the UNIX domain socket? That capability is fairly new and it's possible there are some implementation bugs in there.

The (missing) newlines (not) in the XML are probably not a problem: Tomcat doesn't care, anyway. "Fixing" the format of the XML probably won't change a thing.

It would be great to get the /actual/ size of that 4096-ish-byte stream you are able to see... even if you have to copy/paste the string into a file and count the bytes yourself.

Can you tell if the client is trying to write more than that first 4096 bytes?

Back to the actual error message: so... Tomcat 9 is detecting the bogus request (Content-Type and actual bytes-on-the-wire seem to be mismatched) and so there is no exception; just a vanilla 400 error with nothing the administrator can use for debugging.

Did Mark's instructions yield any useful information (e.g. "Tomcat has detected that the Content-Type and actual-request-length don't match so, 400 goodbye!")?


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