We receive the sessionWillPassivate and sessionDidActivate callbacks on
startup. Odd that you are not. That's how we achieve the same.

On Thu, Mar 21, 2024 at 3:25 PM Christopher Schultz <
ch...@christopherschultz.net> wrote:

> All,
> After having written a solution using JMX to do something like this, I'd
> like to make it cleaner and I'm not sure it's entirely possible using
> just Servlet APIs.
> I'd like to be able to track every HttpSession for the application.
> for admin purposes, I'd like to be able to analyze:
> 1. The total number of sessions
> 2. The number of sessions which represent a logged-in user vs a
> crawler-session or someone who visited the home-page and got a session
> but never logged-in
> 3. Checking-out some specific roles of those logged-in users e.g.
> end-user, staff, admin
> 4. Be able to kill a session at will. For example "chris is already
> logged-in, kill his old session and let the new login remain"
> I started with the obvious HttpSessionListener +
> HttpSessionActivationListener, but I tried this experiment and it didn't
> turn out how I expected:
> 1. Start the application and hit the front page
> -> I get a call to HttpSessionListener.sessionCreated (expected)
> 2. Login
> 3. Logout
> -> I get a call to HttpSessionListener.sessionDestroyed (expected)
> -> I get a call to HttpSessionListener.sessionCreated (expected)
>     (this second one happens because our home-page creates a session)
> 4. Login again
> 5. Stop Tomcat
> -> No calls to anything I can see
> 6. Start Tomcat
> -> No calls to anything I can see
> 7. Access a protected page
> -> Access is allowed; I'm still logged-in.
> When Tomcat shuts-down, it's saving the sessions using local
> persistence[1]. When the application comes back up, all those sessions
> are restored from the disk.
> When my HttpSeessionListener starts, it's empty and doesn't know about
> any sessions. Tomcat doesn't notify it that any sessions are coming from
> that storage.
> I would have expected calls to
> HttpSessionActivationListener.sessionWillPassivate and
> HttpSessionActivationListener.sessionDidActivate.
> Do I have unrealistic expectations? Is there a way to capture these
> events so my in-memory session-watcher/manager is able to have an
> accurate view of what Tomcat can see?
> Thanks,
> -chris
> [1]
> https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-8.5-doc/config/manager.html#Persistence_Across_Restarts
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