Is there a way to configure DeltaManager or the Cluster element so it does not cause my application to throw this error.....
22-Mar-2024 10:56:34.382 SEVERE [http-nio-8586-exec-5] org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke Servlet.service() for servlet [jsp] in context with path [##0001] threw exception [An exception occurred processing [/services/include/properties.jsp] at line [196] 193: 194: session.setAttribute( "format", stationFormat ); 195: session.setAttribute( "employee_id", employeeId ); 196: session.setAttribute( "customer", customer ); 197: session.setAttribute( "customer_id", customerId ); 198: session.setAttribute( "nonidentifier_call_letters", nonIdentifierCallLetters ); 199: session.setAttribute( "call_letters", callLetters ); Stacktrace:] with root cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute [customer] I know why the error, it is because the customer object was never written to be serialiazable. The old application I am working on has a lot of such non serialized objects and I do not want to search out change them all to implement serialiazable I am hoping there is a way to configure Tomcat to just not try and replication sessions all object which are not serialiazable Rick Noel Systems Programmer | Westwood One