Hello everyone,

We're having a problem with Tomcat on Windows servers. It only happens when:

Tomcat is running as a service (automatically started by Windows).
The Windows server automatically restarts for updates.
After the restart, Tomcat starts creating new session IDs for
every request, even though our jsp tells it not to.

<%@ page session="false" %>

We can fix this by deleting temp and work files from Tomcat and restarting
the service ourselves.  However, this is a manual process, and we'd like to
find a more permanent solution.

Can anyone help us understand why this might be happening? Or what logs to
configure and monitor.

Version of Tomcat is Tomcat-9.0.83

To emphasize we are not able to reproduce this in our local computer it
only happens to the longrunning production servers.

Thanks in advance for your help!

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