Hi everybody,

I'm having issues with isVirtualWebappRelative parameter when configuring the 
SSIServlet. It just won't work for me. I have set up the value to 1 to make the 
path be interpreted as relative to the context root, but I'm still getting the 
following output in catalina.out:

SEVERE: #include--Couldn't include file: /head.html
java.io.IOException: Couldn't find file: /head.html
        at org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIMediator.getFileText(SSIMediator.java:155)
        at org.apache.catalina.ssi.SSIInclude.process(SSIInclude.java:44)

The file, head.html, exists in the context root and everything works fine when 
a file from the same directory is including it via <!--#include 
virtual="/head.html"--> The problem comes when a file from a subdirectory tries 
to include it.

I'm testing this with Tomcat 5.5.17 on Linux. The same configuration works fine 
with Tomcat 5.0.25

Does anybody know of any bugs related to the isVirtualWebappRelative parameter 
in Tomcat 5.5? I might have missed something in the configuration, but can't 
think of it right now.

Any help and ideas are welcome.


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