If you have a custom error page set up you can trap the 408 response code and redirect to an appropriate resource. Works for me :)

Alternatively, you can set up a meta refresh on your login page so you never get the 408. Of course, because the refresh has to go to some protected page and not back to the login page you lose the exact protected resource that the user originally requested. But hey, they couldn't have wanted it that badly if the session timed out while waiting to login ;)



C S wrote:
I'm dealing with a problem where if a user hits a secured page and is
forwarded to a login page (using Form Auth). If the user sits on that login
page for too long, and then try to login they are confronted with a nasty
HTTP 408 error. I don't know if this behaviour is part of the servlet spec,
but rather then giving the user an error, could they be forwarded to a
welcome page for the app?  Or perhaps to the context's "/"?

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