I was having a bit of trouble with mod_jk1.2.19 and virtual host
configuration in apache 2. 


I hope I can shed some light on what I discovered and put this question
to rest. The error message in the subject can be found all over the net
with no helpful responses.I know, I was having this problem and every
post about this problem led to a dead end. In re-stating the problem and
attempting to provide more clues, I found a solution but have no insight
into why this "fixes" the problem.


The goal is to hook up apache with tomcat via mod_jk such that I can
have separate domains pointing at distinct deployments in the webapps


Thus pounding on http://it7.blah.com <http://it7.blah.com/>  would
connect via mod_jk to the tomcat app in ${tomcat.home}/webapps/it7 and
http://it8.blah.com <http://it8.blah.com/>  to


I had successfully configured Tomcat (5.5.16) and mod_jk as evidenced by
my working apps and the mod_jk.conf file that is generated under


The problem arose when configuring apache. My worker.properties file is
located in /etc/httpd/conf/worker.properties and tomcat references it
and apparently understands it well enough to create a mod_jk.conf file
which has a (visually) correct virtual host for every container app in
tomcat. This isn't exactly what I want however, so I am not using it
other than as evidence that parts of this configuration are working


With my configuration( See below), after restarting apache, the
following appears in the mod_jk.log file.


[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
jk_map_resolve_references::jk_map.c (638): Checking for references with
prefix worker. with wildcard (recursion1)

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker worker1

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
wc_create_worker::jk_worker.c (141): about to create instance worker1 of




[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (236): creating worker inprocess

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [error]
wc_create_worker::jk_worker.c (134): Unknown worker type jni for worker
inprocess --- Huh?

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [error]
build_worker_map::jk_worker.c (256): failed to create worker inprocess

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
close_workers::jk_worker.c (212): close_workers will destroy worker
worker1  <------------------------------- my worker is getting destroyed

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:18 2006] [2867:63648] [debug]
ajp_destroy::jk_ajp_common.c (2131): up to 10 endpoints to close

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:19 2006] [3052:63648] [debug] do_shm_open::jk_shm.c
(252): Shared memory is already open




[Wed Sep 27 16:01:19 2006] [3052:63648] [debug] jk_handler::mod_jk.c
(1920): Into handler jakarta-servlet worker=worker1 r->proxyreq=0

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:19 2006] [3052:63648] [debug]
wc_get_worker_for_name::jk_worker.c (111): did not find a worker worker1

[Wed Sep 27 16:01:19 2006] [3052:63648] [info]  jk_handler::mod_jk.c
(2071): Could not find a worker for worker name=worker1


This message was originally to be a plea for help and in reviewing the
data and configuration, I discovered that the inprocess worker is in the
worker.properties sample file by default. 




worker1 is ajp13 in the sample. The problem appears to be that
"inprocess" shouldn't be in the worker.list. When I remove the inprocess
worker from the list, I get the results I was after. It all appears to
work properly now.




Specific (broken) configuration is below. 



>From httpd.conf:


JkWorkersFile /etc/httpd/conf/workers.properties

# Where to put the JK logs

JkLogFile /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log

# jk log level

JkLogLevel debug

# select the log format

JkLogStampFormat "[%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y] "

# JkOptions indicate to send SSL KEY SIZE,

JkOptions     +ForwardKeySize +ForwardURICompat +ForwardDirectories

# JkRequestLogFormat set the request format

JkRequestLogFormat     "%w %V %T"



In the Virtualhost container:


<VirtualHost it7.blah.com>


     alias / "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/it7/"


    <Directory "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/it7/">

       Options Indexes FollowSymLinks

       DirectoryIndex index.jsp



    <Location "/WEB-INF/*">

        AllowOverride None

        deny from all



    <Location "/META-INF/*">

        AllowOverride None

        deny from all



    JkMount /*.jsp worker1

    JkMount /*.action worker1

    JkMount /*.vm worker1

    JkMount /service/* worker1




















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