
> where will i get the GNU compatible version of TAR

Sorry nobody answered this for you, although the answer should be
entirely obvious. Googling for "gnu tar" yields this page as the first link:


I wouldn't recommend downloading the tar'd version of the source, since
I'm sure you need gnu tar to download it (what a cruel joke). Stick with
the "shar" file instead.

Another option is to ask your local system administrator. That person
ought to know how to get gnu tar going on your AIX box.


NB: I have a friend working on a 64-bit AIX box that was having problems
opening a file bigger than 2GB (it was 55GB) using IBM's JVM.
Apparently, IBM's 32-bit JVM can't open large files on AIX, so you have
to switch to the 64-bit JVM. Just thought I'd put that out there.

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