Hi Lars,

Lars Nielsen Lind schrieb:
> I have tried with mod_jk but can't make it work. I get this err msg in
> mod_jk.log:
> [Wed Nov 15 00:32:34 2006] [16667:10448] [error]
> ajp_validate::jk_ajp_common.c (1931): can't resolve tomcat address
> localhost

mod_jk can not resolve the host name localhost, more precisely your
system can not resolve "localhost". Maybe it's missing in your
/etc/hosts. Can you ping localhost? Which address does it resolve to on
your host? You might try with the from below as a quick

Since it can not resolve localhost, your workers can not be initialized
and everything fails.

> And in my httpd.conf:
> LoadModule jk_module modules/mod_jk.so
> <IfModule jk_module>
>    AddModule mod_jk.c
> </IfModule>

Apache 2.0 and 2.2 no longer uses AddModule. Delete the last three lines.

> And I get an error saying something about AddModule mispelled etc.

Seee above.



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