chuanjiang lo wrote:
I am having a web application that have some config files(.ini) that
contains some settings so that during runtime the servlet would take the
settings from the config file and perform some action.

Together with the web application, there is an adminstrator console that
allows user to change the settings of the config file . I realize that if
the config file is changed, i would need to restart Tomcat as such my
servlet would read in the changed settings.
I'd redesign the app. Of course you'll need time and source code for this ;-)

Since you're using a servlet to read config files, just map it to some URL and call it to reload configuration.

You could also use JMX to change configuration at runtime. Spring has nice JMX support.

Mikolaj Rydzewski      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                   PGP KeyID: 8b12ab02
There are three kinds of people: men, women and unix.

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