> From: adamle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I thought of maybe putting a filter on the certain url 
> pattern that I want,
> but instead of turning back the user, I could put his thread 
> to sleep for
> aset amount of time and have him try again.  Hopefully by 
> then some of the
> earlier threads will have finished and he can be let through.
> Do you some inherent problem with this?

I'd always be cautious about consuming any resource for an extended
period - in this case a thread.  An attacker could starve Tomcat of
threads by flooding the system with requests for the slow-processing
pages.  You probably wouldn't get a crash; you *would* get very slow
service elsewhere.

Is there no way you can hand back a 'try later' response, even using
something tacky like a refresh header?

                - Peter

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