It's not the web.xml that's specific to Tomcat, it's the compiled JSP
classes (to be frank other JSP compilers might select totally different
filenames rendering the web.xml specific to Tomcat too).

Have a look at the .class files that are in the catalina-admin.jar. The
classes look like:

package admin;

public final class banner_jsp
 extends org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase
  implements org.apache.jasper.runtime.JspSourceDependent
   private static java.util.Vector _jspx_dependants;
   private org.apache.jasper.runtime.TagHandlerPool

I'm going to have a look at what changes would be required to serve jsp's
directly from jars in the web-inf directory to solve my problem. Container
specific .war files doesn't seem the way to go.



On 12/30/06, Caldarale, Charles R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Subject: Re: How can JSPs be part of an integrated component?
> Sure, that works if you're banking on Tomcat as your
> deployment target, but the classes that you've compiled
> and hardwired (there many lines of hardwiring in the
> admin web.xml) to Tomcat.

None of what's in web.xml is specific to Tomcat - it's all defined by
the servlet spec, and is usable on any container.  (What the admin app
actually does is certainly specific to Tomcat, of course, but the
pre-compilation mechanism is not.)  Compiling the JSP files into classes
and generating the multitude of servlet mappings is normally done by an
ANT script, of which there are numerous examples floating around.

- Chuck

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