Xuekun Hu wrote:
Zack, thanks for replying.


The reason why you are probably getting a file size thats one byte
larger than expected is that the JSP processor doesn't remove any
whitespace after it includes the other pages content.  For example, <%@
include page="request.getParameter("f") %> is going to be executed and
the input from the other file is going to be started on the next line.
This means there is probably and extra newline character at the
beginning of the file.  There is a way to strip the whitespace with a
tomcat configuration directive.  I'll look this up for you soon.

Do you mean the "trimSpaces" directive? Yes, it works. :-)

The second error I would need more details on, is it inserting anything
into any of the logs during  the times when its not working?  My guess
would almost be that the machine is running out of memory because it is
storing the contents of the file in memory.  That's just a guess though.

At first, TOMCAT will not report anything out, however testing with a
long time, TOMCAT finally report out error
"java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space", then TOMCAT die.

Thx, Xuekun

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Glad I was able to help in some little way. I thought I was on the right track with the memory issue. I'm not exactly sure what is going on with <%@ include file="request.getParameter("f") %> but I have a feeling its the way the include directive reads in the file. I hope you find a way around the memory issue, but you could always try forcing the garbage collector to run after the page is displayed.


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