> You have quite a bit of memory in your 'Old Generation'.  You need to
> what you're allocating that isn't being released.

We have a fairly substantial amount of data that is loaded on startup and
remains for the duration.  This probably accounts for part of the old-gen

I also see that this number increases _and_ decreases over time.  My
understanding is that this indicates that we have some long-lived objects,
but when a full-gc is forced they get cleaned up as well.  Am I
understanding this correctly?

> How many sessions do you have active when the problem occurs?  

I'm not sure - what is the best way to find this out? 

> What is your session timeout? 

The default of 30 minutes.

> What are you putting into your sessions (how much is held by each)?

Very little - a handful (~5) smallish (100 char) strings.

> Are you using any caching technologies like ehCache or hibernate caching? 
> not allowing caches to expire can eat up memory in the Old Generation


> We use a product called LambdaProbe to monitor our tomcat instances.  
> It's very helpful to count sessions, see what's in them, and to watch 
> the memory and requests in real-time.

I will check this out. Thanks for the suggestion.

> If you really *need* everything you're storing and you don't have any 
> low hanging fruit, you may just need to run with more memory.  If you 
> could test such a configuration you may find that the memory utilization 
> stabilizes at an acceptable level.

This is part of my confusion, turning the Xmx value up seems to have no
effect on the problem.  A while back I did a bunch of investigation with
gclogging and each tomcat instance seemed to level off it's usage at around

So my guess is that we are not dealing with a standard growing of objects
over time, but perhaps a case of something going awry that throws us into
the OutOfMemory case.  But I'm struggling with how to catch that something.

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