Here's a snippet of my web.xml that shows the filter:


  <!-- Filters Here -->

Interesting, though, the filter is AFTER the servlet.  Does that mean tomcat 
is finding them?

However, it all works when the classes are exploded, filters, servlets, & all.

I've tried the jar -tvf, and it works OK.  In fact, I just jar 'em up right 
from the WEB-INF/classes directory, move 'em over to lib, and delete the 
directories underneath classes.  That's the way I produce the jar.  Is there 
something supposed to be in it that I'm missing?

On Monday 19 February 2007 08:02, David Smith wrote:
> You don't need to tell tomcat to look in WEB-INF/lib/*.jar.  Tomcat does
> that automatically per spec.  I'm guessing there is something wrong with
> the way your jar was created or a permissions problem.
> Try testing the jar with
> $JAVA_HOME/bin/jar tf whatever.jar
> (linux/maxos syntax)
> or
> %JAVA_HOME\bin\jar tf whatever.jar
> (windows syntax)
> to be sure it's valid.  The command above lists all the files in the jar
> file.  Then be sure permissions are set so the user tomcat runs as can
> read it.  One last thing to look for is any errors further up in the
> logs above the class not found exception.
> --David
> aladdin wrote:
> >Thanks for the tip!
> >
> >I don't think I'd have a conflict with all the classes in my application.
> >Although some of my classes have common names, like (compiled,
> >of course, to user.class), they are all member of just one of three
> > packages: infoisland, dbMgr, and utils, so I don't think the names are
> > colliding. Loading the app bombs out as tomcat is loading when it can't
> > find my filter, CheckUser (makes sure users are logged in), which is in
> > the infoIsland package.
> >
> >However, your comment is telling: "WEB-INF itself is not checked or
> > scanned for .jar files at all."  So, if I make sure the WEB-INF/classes
> > subdirectory is empty, how do I tell tomcat to go get classes out of the
> >WEB-INF/lib/whatever.jar file?
> >
> >Thanks.
> >
> >On Sunday 18 February 2007 20:05, David Smith wrote:
> >>It should be noted there are only a couple of places .jar files are
> >>allowed in tomcat:
> >>
> >>1. WEB-INF/lib
> >>2. common/lib of the tomcat installation directory
> >>
> >>WEB-INF itself is not checked or scanned for .jar files at all.  In
> >>addition, any files in the classes directory will override their
> >>equivalent in the lib directory.  This occurs regardless of it being in
> >>WEB-INF/classes or common/classes
> >>
> >>As to the issue below, are you sure you don't have similar classes (in
> >>name and package) in both common/lib and WEB-INF/lib?  Seems like
> >>there's a classloader issue at work here.  Take a look at the
> >>classloader howto at
> >>  It
> >>might offer some ideas.
> >>
> >>--David
> >>
> >>aladdin wrote:
> >>>When I put my webapp.jar file in the WEB-INF directory, it doesn't find
> >>>the app.  When I exploded it into the classes directory, and associated
> >>>subdirectories, they are found fine, but I get this problem (the one
> >>>below).
> >>>
> >>>This, it turns out, is triggered by the fact I have the webapp.jar file
> >>>in the lib directory and all the classes unpacked in the classes
> >>>directory (both under WEB-INF, of course).  Getting rid of the
> >>> webapp.jar file in the lib directory solves the problem below, but now
> >>> tomcat won't use that the jar file in the lib directory, even though
> >>> when it's unpacked in the classes directory, he seems perfectly happy. 
> >>> Is there some magic I need for tomcat to use .jar files in the
> >>> WEB-INF/lib directory, like an entry in web.xml or server.xml?
> >>>
> >>>On Friday 16 February 2007 22:52, aladdin wrote:
> >>>>I was getting a message like "SEVERE PersistenceManager persistence not
> >>>>enabled", or something like that (I don't remember) so I disabled
> >>>>(commented out) the Manager tag in server.xml that configured the
> >>>>PersistenceManager. Now, I'm getting
> >>>>
> >>>>Feb 16, 2007 9:26:34 PM org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoader
> >>>>modified INFO:     Additional JARs have been added
> >>>>Feb 16, 2007 9:26:34 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContext reload
> >>>>INFO: Reloading this Context has started
> >>>>
> >>>>over and over in the log files.  Anyone know what's causing this?  I
> >>>>thought maybe tomcat was restarting, but the PID doesn't change.  It
> >>>>seems to work, but it's filling up my log files.
> >>>>
> >>>>TIA
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