Hi Henk,

your analysis is right, it's a known deficiency and not easy to fix (not in 1.2.x).

A couple of releases ago we added a note in the status worker docs page


Special Considerations concerning URL Maps and Virtual Hosts

The Apache module mod_jk makes use of the internal Apache httpd infrastructure concerning virtual hosts. The downside of this is, that the status worker can only show URL maps, for the virtual host it is defined in. It is not able to reach the configuration objects for other virtual hosts. Of course you can define a status worker in any virtual host you are using. All information presented apart from the URL maps will be the same, independant of the virtual host the status worker has been called in.

We thought it might still be useful enough to not completely drop the map listing.



Henk Fictorie wrote:

We have just upgraded to mod_jk 1.2.21 and I've discovered a minor error in
the status page.
The status page lists the URI mappings for each loadbalancer/worker. This is
not working correctly at our site.

Setup: Sun Solaris 8, Apache 2.0.59, mod_jk 1.2.21

We have two virtualhosts defined in Apache. One virtualhost is open for the
internet. Here we have defined
JkMount /foo/* lbworker

The other virtualhost is only reachable from our internal network, here we
have defined

JkMount /foo/* lbtestworker
JkMount /jkstatus/ status

In the /jkstatus/ page the URI mappings for the worker lbworker are missing.
The URI mappings for the lbtestworker are displayed correct. I guess the
error has something to do with the fact that the lbworker is only JkMounted
for the virtualhost where the status worker is not mounted.

regards Henk Fictorie

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