Yes, thing about servlet technology is that if you take your time to understand it, its very powerful on its own... but having said that, there is one thing you should read up on, that is the whole idea of MVC model with servlet technology.

There is a guy called marty hall that wrote some More-Servlets-and-JSP articles... that is the best thing I ever read... just google.

One of the mistakes I made and I think most people coming from ASP will do it, is try make the whole server in a JSP page.... if you do that you going to think its a crap technology, but as soon as you learn to use servlets and jsp together.... its a million times more powerful than ASP. Idea is simply that you put your logic in the servlet and use the JSP "just" to display info. The academics waffle on about seperation of client view and model, but at its core, thats all it is, and the pivotal tomcat function is something called getRequestDispatcher.... learn to use it.

After that most of the frameworks just seem to hang bells and whistles on that idea, like persistance and dbPools which tomcat has anyway. Then what you will find is that, you can just extract a good idea from any framework... ok... steal them blind.... ha ha ;)

And this is what I wanted to tell you.... its orgasmic stuff, and the reason I just luv tomcat... you will start using tomcat for EVERYTHING. For instance I wanted to write a database replication system, and I started looking at swing and then thought.... no I'll use tomcat... it runs any code, and I got a user interface in any browser... so I just use a little JSP to make the admin functions for the replicator... never going to be a web app as such....

See wot happens when you get into the MVC thing... magic.

I now run all my apps in Tomcat..... even the Swing apps.... it seems a long way from the web, until you see someone click on a web page, and a swing app starts that wasnt even on the machine.... its sitting in Tomcat in another office.... ha ha.... extreme MVC at work.

In the end you wont even see Tomcat as a servlet web technology... its becomes the ONLY place to do JAVA.... its dead easy to deploy on, and it becomes your JAVA OS on any platform.... thats why you'll meet tomcat fans like me. Any job starts with .... yes... Tomcat.... ha ha

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Kerber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:56 AM
Subject: Re: Cascading style sheets and tomcat

I guess I'm glad I don't use any of that stuff, then ;-D I only have two different styles in my app: data-entry pages and report pages, so simple css will probably do just fine.


Johnny Kewl wrote:

Hey... u going to confuse David... ;)
Yes.... David.... Tomcat is one fancy machine and it also supports tag libs.

These things are like html tags... just well formed xml.

Struts, Spring and Sun (tomcat frameworks) all have tag libs for just about everything...

So for example... one can (simplified) type

<html:form blah blah>

and tomcat will stick all the HTML that you would have to write for a form into your page for you..

and thats wot martin is showing you.... that you can also associate styles with these fancy things... and if there are errors you can even associate styles with that.

BUT without the frameworks tomcat is very much plain old HTML...
so you can use it either way....

In the new netbeans you can see where the whole tag thing is going.... in there you will find a "visual web" designer.... it feels like you using swing... just drag and drop, set properties, write a little event code.... etc If you look at the HTML (JSP) page it makes... its one complex combination of tag libs, script, CSS and everything else you can think of.

Thing that is really important to understand is that all these frameworks are in competition with each other.... Struts competes with Spring who competes with Jboss who competes with Suns EJB servers.... its chaos. Now Java Server Faces is suns latest an greatest and you'll see its used in the Visual designer... and if I'm correct they seem to have left out struts... now I wonder why ;) EJB3 some say has stolen good ideas from Spring.... Resin have taken tomcat and reinvented protocols to make EJB better...
It gives me a huge head-ache!...

So... dont use any framework blindly.... I always try and imagine who is going to win, and its not always who is the best technology right now.

One thing is for sure.... Basic Tomcat is a winner..... after that, your guess is as good as mine.

I still like doing it the hard way... HTML, CSS, and a little JSP... now and then a little XML....
and I steal like crazy from the frameworks.... ha ha.

.... u c.... Tomcat is very very good ;)

----- Original Message ----- From: "Martin Gainty" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 10:51 PM
Subject: Re: Cascading style sheets and tomcat


I would suggest incorporating style and or styleClass and errorStyle and or errorStyleClass attributes which derive from supplied CSS If your thinking MVC (and Struts specifically) I would look at the Tag documentation available at

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----- Original Message ----- From: "Johnny Kewl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: Cascading style sheets and tomcat

I've used css in JSP files.... no problem.... javascript also no problem

----- Original Message ----- From: "David Kerber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Tomcat Users List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2007 9:43 PM
Subject: Cascading style sheets and tomcat

Can I use .css files with .jsp's, particularly when they are being served up by Tomcat 5.5? Or do they only work with static html files?


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