Ha ha.... boy of boy are you in for some pain... sorry cant help myself.

Well yes, you need to convert... because MS just didnt have the decency to ask the linux guys how to do it ;)

Heres a little code for you

               if(rawFileName == null) return "";
               if(rawFileName.length() == 0) return "";

               String s = rawFileName;
               s = s.replace('\\','/'); // make it unix compat
               s = s.trim();

               String firstChar = s.substring(0,1);
               if(firstChar.compareTo("/") != 0){
                   s = "/" + s;

something like that....
But this is why I'm talking to you.... have a look at file/// security restrictions on XP and later. They going to get blocked.... so after all that pain... IE is going to drive you mad.... ha ha.

But I got some good news for you.... go to http://coolese.100free.com/
and download ESE... it does exactly that... its based on lucene and it allows you to search folders, and or dB's and then navigate the results in a browser. Have a look at how it navigates.... it doesnt use file/// it turns the directories into a URL and navigates through Tomcat.... to get around security issues.
So yes I'm laughing coz I went through all this pain.... good luck.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lu Rui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@tomcat.apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 24, 2007 6:45 PM
Subject: linux + tomcat, some path/link problem

hi, all,

    i'm writing a jsp front-end of a desktop search program in linux
using tomcat 5.5, here is my problem.

    say we need a result.jsp which can display the results from
lucene and show the related links, codes like below (hard-coding
for simple, as long as you can get my thougt is okay)

// for winxp
String filePath = new String("c:\\root\\test.html");

// for linux
String filePath = new String("/root/test.html");

<A href="<%= filePath %>"> testlink </A>

i've test this page both in winxp and linux. in windows,
right-click to check out the property of "testlink" you can see it
goes to " file:///c:/root:/test.html " and left-click then the browser
will open corresponding page, which is exactly what i've been

but in linux here comes my trouble, i click "testlink" it
goes to "404 not found", then i check out its property and find it
leads to " http://localhost:8080/root/index.html ", it seems tomcat
took " /root " as a subdir of " /tomcat/webapps " and messed things up, totally
misunderstood my purpose.

as far as i know path is always a confusing problem of tomcat, but in
linux "/" stands for root of file system, so i'm clearly using an
abusolute path, why tomcat still made such mistake while it works well
in windows with " C:\\root\test.html" ?
and as mentioned above, this link, actually these links,
might go to anywhere in local file system, which makes the trouble
more complex, so i don't think setup Context or docBase or
relative-path could help much, i really need tomcat to be informed
that i'm using
abusolute path and i don't care it goes out of web project and that's
what i want.

plz help me out. thanks. and if what i said make you feel somehow offended,
it's not my bad feelings just my bad english..

while ( true ) {
help me out;


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