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Jan Strauch wrote:
> It still doesn´t work.
> this is what Catalina.out sais:


> <Realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.UserDatabaseRealm"
> <realm className="org.apache.catalina.realm.JDBCRealm"

Note that <Realm> and <realm> are different. Also, if you are using a
JDBCRealm, you should disable the UserDatabaseRealm.

> Why "ajp13 listening on /" ? Is this normal?

Yes. That means "all interfaces, on port 8009".

> Why are there no entries in catalina.out, localhost_log?  Catalina_log has a 
> size of 0 bytes.

You pasted your catalina.out at the top of this message. What do you
mean "no entries"? Do you mean "why are there no errors related to my
realm?". You have no error messages because you haven't defined a
realm... you defined something that kind of looks like a realm, but
since you used a lowercase "r", Tomcat basically ignores it.

You should be (??) getting an error somewhere about a bad server.xml...
since <realm> isn't recognized as a valid element. I'm not entirely sure
of Tomcat's configuration loader imposes XML validation rules on the
config file, though.

> DB-access has root-permissions.

Whatever that means, I'm sure it's not good. I hope that
conn_name/conn_pass is a normal database user.

- -chris

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