In the working directory of the process. Of course you need enough free
disk space.

There is also


(Caution: I don't know, if all JVM versions that implement
-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, implement this one too).

You should check in the process table (if it's a unix like system) if
your switches are picked up appropriately.

Also you can check their function by wrinting a simple java app, that
has an unterminated loop allocating objects and setting the heap size to
a small value, which should prodice an OurOfmemoryError and a heap dump.



> I specified that parameter in JAVA_OPTS variable, but after the first 
> "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space" error, no dump file was 
> created. Where should that file be created by default? any clue?
> Thanks

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