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Michael Heinrichs wrote:
> The WAR file is being generated by the Ant WAR task (Ant 1.6.5).
> I'm don't want to rule anything out, but if the WAR file is bad, I would
> expect the deployment to fail every time, or when it does fail, always
> fail at the same point in the WAR expansion.

You can easily test the WAR file with either

$ jar tvf <jar-file>


$ unzip -tv <jar-file>

InfoZip's UnZip says that "-t" does a "test", while the jar utility only
says that it will list the table of contents. I would use unzip if you
have it available. I suppose using jar to unzip your jar file (instead
of merely listing the TOC) would be a good test.

Ideally, the WAR expansion is non-destructive (I hope so!), so after a
crash like this you should be able to check the WAR file for integrity.

Who knows... you might have some bad space on your disk. That might
explain the intermittent nature of your problem.

If you have physical access to your machine you could run badblocks (for
a Linux machine... dunno if something similar is available for Sun) or
even memtest86 (x86 hardware only, of course) to check to see if you
have any hardware issues. It's possible that unzipping your WAR file
sometimes exposes a problem with your memory<->cpu communication.
Usually other weird things happen when you have such a problem. Since
nobody can figure out your problem, I figured I'd mention that it could
be a hardware problem. It's odd, though, that you would experience the
same problem on multiple machines in a short period of time. <shrug>

- -chris

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