Eclipse Web Tools sets up its own Tomcat configuration, somewhere down
in the bowels of the workspace directory. That config does not include
the standard Tomcat ROOT webapp. You might be able to just copy the
files from your Tomcat webapps/ROOT dir to the appropriate place in
the Eclipse workspace dir - but I'm not sure that will work because
Eclipse has a way of copying files around and it has duplicate copies
of some Tomcat config files.

On 5/16/07, Morten Simonsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have tried everything I can think of, but can't make the default page 
http://localhost:8080/ appear when I run Tomcat inside Eclipse. When I run Tomcat outside 
Eclipse, then I get the default page, no sweat! One difference I can see with my naked 
eye, is that there is some kind of basic authentication when I access the default page 
outside Eclipse, but no authentication when I access the default page "inside 

I positive that the server.xml and web.xml are pretty correct (I can find the 
definition for the default-servlet, the web.xml is loaded, the server.xml is 
loaded, etc...) Still, there is no response other than 404. I can also not find 
any way to trigger a debug-mode (log) for the server.

I am getting pretty frustrated now, so if someone can please help me, I would 
be very glad.

Morten Simonsen

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