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lightbulb432 wrote:
> I noticed that in my exploded WAR file, if I make changes to a Facelet
> (similar to JSP) or stylesheet while Tomcat is running, I see the change
> when I navigate to that page in my browser.
> What changes are automatically picked up, and what requires a redeploy?

JSPs (and probably related technologies) have their own ClassLoader and
the manager within Tomcat (or the component that manages them) generally
looks for changes, recompiles, and re-loads the individual page (or
whatever) without a context reload.

All other changes require a context (webapp) re-load.

Basically, unless your particular technology supports automatic
re-loading of the resource in question, you will have to re-load your

Tomcat, if configured to do so, will automatically re-load the context
if certain things change: WEB-INF/lib/*.jar, WEB-INF/classes/**/*.class,
and WEB-INF/web.xml will trigger an automatic re-load of the context.
There may be others as well (such as META-INF/context.xml).

I believe that the only thing Tomcat can re-load without re-loading the
entire context is JSPs. If you are using another technology on top of
Tomcat (such as Facelets), it's up to that library to determine whether
this capability is available.

- -chris

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