Hassan Schroeder wrote:
On 5/16/07, Nathan Hook <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Would changing the ServerName attribute to <server name>.com allow Apache to
respond to all requests sent to the server that are subdomains?

I'm not sure ServerName is even *required*, in which case you'd
simply be processing any request to *:80 (presumably passing it
back to Tomcat). But easy enough to test, I'd think.

Here is another question involving Apache, but this time with SSL. Would a
wildcard certificate be able to work in the same fashion as the above
configuration?  As of right now we have to have a NEW IP address for
everyone of our clients

gack. stop right there -- that's the whole point of wildcard certs, to
end such madness by handling "*.example.com" on 1 IP :-)

I implemented just such an httpd/Tomcat setup for a client last year.
So it's definitely a valid approach.

On one site I'm using a wildcard cert with Apache/Tomcat right now to support many sub-domains & it works like a dream.

Only needed to set the default hostname in the Engine.



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