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Williams, Allen wrote:
> Now, for the question: how is this ancillary information stored?

The cookie contains all this information. When the cookie is transmitted
to the browser, it contains all this information. Check it using an HTTP
sniffer or your browser (Mozilla Firefox shows it all to you).

When the cookie is sent back to the server in a request, this extra
information is not included. For instance, the header sent to the server
is simply:

cookie: JSESSIONID=F53BFD60D943838CFA50EFDBCA27E825

> When I look at the cookie in Firebug or print it out in the servlet,
> all I see is "JSESSIONID=blah, blah, blah"

That is the "content" of the cookie. After the cookie is originally sent
to the browser, the server doesn't know the details of the path, etc...
that's the browser's problem.

> but when I look at it in Web Developer, I see the path associated
> with it, the expiration date, and other info.

Firebug must just be showing you selected pieces of information. Web
developer is showing you the browser's view of the world, which includes
the extra metadata.

> Where is that stored, and can it be accessed (like the path, for
> instance) in a servlet or script?

A script might be able to access it (because javascript runs on the
client) but the server can only capture that information during the
response that first created the cookie. In that case, you can use the
Cookie objects in the response to sniff those values.

- -chris
Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (MingW32)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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