
it is in the Java Server Pages 2.0 Specification:

"As of JSP 2.0, it is illegal to refer to any classes from the unnamed (a.k.a.
default) package. This may result in a translation error on some containers,
specifically those that run in a JDK 1.4 or greater environment. It is 
but unavoidable, that this will break compatibility with some older JSP

Tomcat 5 implements JSP 2.0, Tomcat 4 did implement JSP 1.x, so it
is correct that this feature vanished from Tomcat 4 to 5.


David Smith wrote:
You have to package the classes and then refer to them by their fully qualified name -- ie javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest. This change was made a long time ago (tomcat 4.x?).

The classes themselves have to be in either a jar file in WEB-INF/lib or in a folder structure mirroring the package in WEB-INF/classes. HttpServletRequest.class of the package javax.servlet.http for example would be in WEB-INF/classes/javax/servlet/http

I know in some corner conditions packageless classes have been allowed (ie servlet class names), but it's really a much better practice to get them into declared packages.


Rajiv M wrote:

No. This will again give class cannot be resolved to type error

On 5/23/07, Robert Soeding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

<[EMAIL PROTECTED] import="YourClass"%>

Rajiv M wrote:
> Seems like with JDK 1.4, Sun has enforced classes belonging to the
> default package from being imported in JSP. Is the only way to resolve
> the problem is to include classes under a package and then import the
> package in JSP?
> Or is there some way in Tomcat which can cause JSP to access the class
> files from WEB-INF/classes directory
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