On Thu, May 24, 2007 at 09:01:13PM -0400, Rashmi Rubdi wrote:
> On 5/23/07, Roger Tismeer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >It takes about 4 minutes or so to (re)start Tomcat .... granted I have
> >30 webapps loaded, but isn't there a switch somewhere that I can toggle
> >to not auto-start any non-Tomcat webapps?
> I was in a similar situation as you've mentioned above.
> I find that keeping the Context descriptor outside server.xml makes it
> a lot easier to switch between applications.

I'll have to remember that one.  Thanks!

> Say your apps are named app1, app2, app3 etc and if you access them as
> http://localhost:8080/app1  http://localhost:8080/app2
> http://localhost:8080/app3 , then
> you would define the Context for each app under
> Tomcat's /conf/Catalina/localhost/  as app1.xml , app2.xml and app3.xml
> Now if you want Tomcat to only load app1 , you just disable the other
> XML files by renaming them as in app2.xml_disable app3.xml_something

In that case, you have to either ensure that your webapp.s do not
contain META-INF/context.xml or that the Host has deployXML='false'.
Otherwise the webapp itself will supply a Context.

Tomcat will generate a Context on its own in some circumstances which
I've not yet completely worked out from the documentation.  How did
you disable this?

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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