Hamster a écrit :
> On 12/06/07, David Delbecq <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What's the point? Saving 2 Megs of hard disk space and, at the same
>> time, risk to break deployed apps that sudeently get additionnal libs
>> that can conflit in version with vendor supplied one?
> Don't ask me!
> It is their request, they said something about security concerns,
> fast security related libraries updated, etc... eh, do not ask ;(
> BTW I tried to use my own Loader in conf/context.xml it throws
> exceptions... I will keep working ;]
> Oh, and here is why it is important for me:
> If I will not be able to do that then they are going to put everything
> in commons/lib and all applications will use same version of libraries
> in shared classloader ;( and that is going to break all the apps ;]
> and someone will have to "fix" or "upgrade" them to "the new
> approach", and it's going to be me, not funny at all.
> Hamster,
Stupid suggestion:
What about one of those approach

1) revise war build process to force inclusion of libs

2) have a server lifecyclelistener  that, before loading of a webapp,
copy the concerned classes to the WEB-INF/lib ?

Copy seems easier than play with classloader...

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