Owen Rees wrote:

> --On Wednesday, June 13, 2007 11:27:45 AM +0200 Markus Schönhaber
> wrote:
>> I don't think this has anything to do with Tomcat. It rather seems
>> to me that Firefox loads and applies the XSL if the URL referencing
>> it points to the same server(?) / base URL (?) the XML file comes
>> from. Drop the XSL into the Tomcat webapp and modify the XML source
>> (or our code generating it) to reference it from there. Then it
>> will propably be applied. If you find out whether this is a
>> documented feature of Firefox or simply a bug, please let me know.
> <http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/XSL_Transformations_in_Mozilla_FAQ>
> At the end of the "Why isn't my stylesheet applied?" section it says:
>  "Mozilla won't load XSLT stylesheets from a different domain for
> security reasons."

Thanks for the pointer, Owen!

Another comment targeted @ the OP: IMO XSL transformations should be
done on the server side, not on the client side. Doing it on the client
side may be OK if you have a very specific user base and you can be sure
that their clients support XSLT. If you target a more general audience,
you'll propably exclude some potential users because their clients won't
apply the stylesheet. For example, my konqueror doesn't - and since
AFAIR Safari is based on the same foundation as konqueror, it propably
won't either.


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