I committed a patch for mod_jk using 64 Bit unsigned ints for content length. This patch still needs testing. I only verified, that it does not break normal operation (at least not on Solaris with Apache 2.2).

I don't know, if anyone of those who were working on this bug until now (Bill? Mark? Chris? Daniel) already have a good test setup including Bills patch for the JK connector. It would be nice, if you could report your findings. I included a download URL in BZ 42608, where you can find a ready to build mod_jk tarball.

I tried to adjust all places, including Apache 1.3, 2.x, IIS and Netscape, also the byte counters in the load balancer and AJP12/AJP13.

For the web servers I actually don't know, if we can really get huge byte counts back, e.g. if there is a huge upload, or if they already have a 32Bit problem decoding the sizes.

We would need to test separately for *nix and Win, because the jk 64Bit unsigned uses different types and formatting characters for those platforms.



Bill Barker wrote:
Of course both Mladen and Rainer are on [EMAIL PROTECTED], so they have seen the traffic on the bug report (as are a couple of the other mod_proxy_ajp developers).

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