
[... consecutively restart tomcat ...]
> The only two solutions I found were:
> 1) wait some time the try again...
> 2) change ecah time the port

In my ears it looks like you do not "unbind" the port.
I know, ist typical for Windows, when you kill a process,
which uses a port in an unclean way, than windows will block
this port for ~30 to 60 seconds. Only after this time,
anyone is able to bind to this port again.

I only can suggest two things:
 - check, that when you .stop() tomcat the port is cleanly unbind/closed
 - when you bind a socket you can set an option like "SO_REUSEADDR",
   but this is more like a bad hack.
   With this option set, multiple sockets can be opened and if your
   process is the only one, all  goes fine.
   Sorry, I don't know where to set this option in java.


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