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Nhut Thai Le wrote:
> Servlet decument says: getDatasource(HTTPServletRequest) is used to 
> get the default datasource, getDataSource(HttpServletRequest, String)
> get the selected datasource.

This appears to be a Struts method, not anything from the servlet
specification. You need to be very specific when you quote things like

> However, since I am using struts. following instruction in tomcat
> documentation on connection pooling and using getDatasource within a
> struts action class give a null resource because although action
> class has getDatasource(HttpServletRequest) as the httpServlet class,
> it only return resource which is managed by strut not the from
> container as the httpServlet object does.

Exactly. If you are using Tomcat-managed DataSources, you cannot use
Struts's Action.getDataSource method. You will have to write your own.
If you have a base action from which all your existing actions extend,
you can simply override getDataSource and implement it correctly for a
JNDI-based DataSource.

Better yet, separate your database queries from your Struts actions, and
forget Action.getDataSource ever existed.

> I'm now letting struts manages the resource. My problem is partly
> solved for now.

You should NOT do this. Struts has abandoned DataSource management as of
version 1.3 in favor of container-managed DataSources (as it should have
been all along). You should get Tomcat-based DataSource management
working. We will help you, though I'm guessing that this thread is over
and nobody will read this follow-up. :(

- -chris
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