  I have been searching for a solution to this problem for a while, but it's 
difficult to search on when the keywords match so many general topics.
  In tomcat 5.5, I was able to use manager to deploy from a directory on the 
filesystem, and tomcat would use that directory for the source. It would not 
copy the contents of the directory to its webapps directory. I could stop 
tomcat, start it again and pick up changes in the class files of the app. This 
was very quick because no file copying was going on.
  In tomcat 6, it now copies all of the files to the webapps directory. I can 
no longer just stop and restart tomcat to pick up the changes in the class 
files because tomcat has its own copy. I have to undeploy and redeploy at 
minimum, and it takes quite some time and extra work on my part.
  Is there a way to configure tomcat 6 get the old tomcat 5.5 behavior back? 
Thanks for any help.

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