ok...is it you having problems or Zdenek?

Sorry for my mistaking you two.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Julio J. Suárez Salinero" [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 11:46 AM
To: Tomcat Users List
Subject: Re: OracleConnectionPoolDataSource

Propes, Barry L escribió:
> Like I told him, Chris, I experienced very similar scenarios with my 
> connection pooling, and had to alter and/or rewrite the classes, but I did 
> get them closing properly. 
> Some took some significant tweaking, but I finally got it.
> Zdenek, if you could post the original code, maybe we could narrow it down 
> for you.
> If you'd like to just send me a few files individually, go right ahead. I'll 
> try to take a look at it and be of help.
Thank you very much, Barry L. I'm just testing a few changes in the 
code. When I have something I'll say you it.

Note: I'm not Zdenek. I'm Julio.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christopher Schultz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 10:27 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: Re: OracleConnectionPoolDataSource
> Hash: SHA1
> Julio,
> Julio J. Suárez Salinero wrote:
>> Zdeněk Vráblík escribió:
>>> Hi,
>>>> 4. I use OracleConnectionPoolDataSource because with
>>>> javax.sql.DataSource it doesn't close correctly close connections from
>>>> pool and server got to hang up.
>>> Have you got any exception?
>> It throwed "Closed Statement", "Exhausted Resultset" and
>> "NullPointerException", but only when I do stress test. If I browse page
>> with navigator it works correctly and throws no exceptions.
> This suggests that the connections and statements are not being managed
> properly. Are you sure you are using the pooled connections properly? If
> you had told us what the exceptions you were getting earlier (always a
> good idea to tell us HOW it's not working), I would have said that you
> were leaking connections between requests.
> "Closed Statement" usually means you're trying to read from a result set
> that came from a statement that has been closed. Why are you trying to
> read from a closed statement? I'm guessing your code doesn't do this:
> PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement(...);
> ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
> ps.close();
> rs.next();
> ...because that would, of course, be stupid. The only explanation I can
> think of is that somehow those connections and/or statements are being
> accidentally shared by threads.
> Let me ask another stupid question: if this was working before using
> Tomcat's pooling, why are you killing yourself to use Oracle's pooled
> connections when they don't appear to work properly?
> - -chris
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*Julio Javier Suárez Salinero*

*Departamento de programación*

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