Christopher Schultz a écrit :
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Frederic Bastian wrote:
Christopher Schultz a écrit :
You want to do this:,

This does not work :) request.getCharacterEncoding() is different
from <Connector> URIEncoding. The request character encoding
determines in which character encoding the parameters value will be
return to you.

My mistake. I meant response.getCharacterEncoding().

But it doesn't determine in wich character encoding the URI has to be

But you aren't reading a URI. You're writing one. I'm assuming that you
want to encode a URI for output into a web page. The web page ought to
be written using the response's encoding, not the URIEncoding.
I'm sorry but I think you don't get it :) Reading and writing URI is totally different from writing the response output. For instance, you can set the response character encoding to UTF-8 in order to display your html in UTF-8, and set the Connector URIEncoding to ISO-8859-1 to read URI in ISO-8859-1 (and so, you have to encode your URI in ISO-8859-1).

For instance, If you want to make a redirection, you just send a redirection header, there is no response output writing, so no matter wich character encoding your web pages are displayed in.

The point is that the character encoding of the <Connector> URIEncoding, and the character encoding of the URLEncoder method, have to be consistent. Make the try : set the response character encoding to UTF-8, set the URLEncoder character encoding to UTF-8, generate a web page including links with encoded parameters with special chars, and follow these links. You will see that the server does not interpret correctly the parameters, because the <Connector> URIEncoding is still set to ISO-8859-1.

So, for portability purpose, I'd like to make the character encoding of the <Connector> and of the URLEncoder consistent, without modifying the server.xml file. But it looks pretty impossible :p
What's the problem with URLEncoder ? I don't get you :)

Nothing. All the things I mentioned used them at the heart (or should).
They just take out the guesswork of which encoding you should be using,
and when to apply it.

- -chris
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