FelixG wrote:
 I'm testing in Eclipse/WinXP locally and on a solaris8 machine over a local
network. The delay
is occuring on both Tomcats.

Ok, locally at least you shouldn't be experiencing any proxy hinder. :-)

The flush should immediately push the data to the client. Did you try using netcat or telnet to make sure the problem is really on the server side?

C:\> telnet localhost 8080
GET /app/MyServlet HTTP/1.0<enter>

and you should get part of the response. You can do fancier HTTP/1.1 requests to, but then it is easiest to capture the request headers the way your browser would send them. With firefox the tamper data plugin allows you to see the exact request (so you can try it outside of a browser).


Sebastiaan van Erk wrote:
What kind of environment are you testing in? Does the servlet run on your local development machine or over the network. Are there possibly transparent proxies between the two endpoints? You could try testing with network tools such as netcat to debug what's happening.


FelixG wrote:
I'm trying to implement the comet code-example from the Tomcat
using Tomcat 6.0.13, Http11NioProtocol is working and my servlet is
implementing CometProcessor.
I am trying to write into the response's PrintWriter with this code in

if (event.getEventType() == CometEvent.EventType.BEGIN) {
  PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter();
  writer.println("<!doctype html public \"-//w3c//dtd html 4.0
  writer.println("<head><title>Chat Servlet</title></head>" +
  "<body bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\">" + new Date()+ "");

At this point I am experiencing a delay according to the value of the
comet.timeout parameter
before the data is actually arriving at the client (even though flush()
should send it immediately).
Could someone please point me to an explanation of this behavior?

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