
We have been using the Tomcat Redirector in our Dev environment and even our
local machines while developing code.  We have a classic ASP site that works
with JSP hosted by Tomcat.  The redirector has been working in these two
environments fine, but when we move our code to Certification, it fails to
read any query string parameters.  Basically all the standard JSP works just
fine through the ISAPI redirector, but when it goes through
https://hostname/somefolder/filename.jsp?par_name=value, the query string
gets truncated or something.  We get a Page Cannot Be Displayed error (404)
from IIS.  Take off the Query String Parameter from the URL and the page
loads fine, but our code referencing the lacking query string cannot do its

I am curious if you have suggestions related to this problem.  I cannot find
anything on the web related to this.

Thank you,

Antonio Santana
214-403-5266 cell
817-741-5266 home
682-605-2423 office

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