Well, the security argument depends more on "you *could*" than on "you
*do*".  Somewhere out there is someone crazy enough to comb through
any given source kit looking for evil.  Would any counterfeiter have
the guts to set up his print shop on the sidewalk outside a police
station?  Much of security boils down to convincing the bad guys that
they *could* be caught.

The efficiency argument (you can tune it to your specific setup)
doesn't really apply to Java programs (like Tomcat) because the
(virtual) "hardware" is the same everywhere.  If the build process
isn't configurable, I wouldn't give this one any weight for Java

There's the self-maintenance argument: if you see anomalous behavior,
or want to make modifications, or just want to better understand
what's going on, you can read or modify the source.  If you're not at
least part programmer, though, you probably won't do that.

The other argument is that you know what goes into your system.  For
example, I know that Gnome is a big fat pig because I have one
Slackware system where I've had to spend hours pulling down library
after library after huge library just to get one or two tiny app.s to
compile. :-)  Again, this has little application to Java app.s because
their packaging teams always throw in whatever pile of .jar files is
needed to make them work, no matter how many copies of any library you
may have already.

So, if you're not going to inspect the code yourself, it makes little
difference whether you build Tomcat yourself or let someone else do it
for you.  The one weak argument against is that popularity of source
packages tends to make the risk of corrupting them seem larger, so you
could lie to the bad guys by fetching a source kit that you intend to
blindly install.  I doubt this would sway many sysadmin.s.

As another Gentoo fan, I'd certainly get source and tweak the living
daylights out of the build configuration and compiler switches of any
non-Java app. I wanted.  But I probably wouldn't do the same for a
Java app. unless I had some reason to dig into the source myself.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Typically when a software vendor says that a product is "intuitive" he
means the exact opposite.

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