
I'm currently in desparate search for a problem I'm facing...

I do have a struts-webapp running under Tomcat 4 without any problems.

I started to port the application to Tomcat 5 which gives me problems. The app 
start ok and everything looks ok. But when I try to call one specific action, 
Tomcat gives me "The requested resource (Invalid path was requested) is not 

The action is mapped to a JSP-file which in turn calls another action, which 
under tomcat 5 doesn't happen!

    <action path="/toggleOverview" 
    <action path="/refresh" type="myClass.RefreshAction" name="basicForm" 
            <forward name="mainSuccess" path="path"/>

In ToggleOverviewMap.jsp
  String url = "refresh.do?caller=" + caller + "&instanceNumber=" +instNrStr;
  RequestDispatcher rd = request.getRequestDispatcher(url);
  rd.forward(request, response);

The breakpoint on the execute-method in the Refresh-action is never reached, 
instead the above mentioned execption is raised.

Does anyone have a clue on what the problem mght be? As I said, the app runs 
fine under tomcat 4 but doesn't work under tomcat 5

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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