Thanks Hassan,

Cookies _are_ enabled.  I'm not sure why it's sending the sessionid, but a few 
lines further down, I get 

File does not exist: /usr/apache/httpd/htdocs/payments/images/Blue
_Bar_Back.gif, referer: 

The first three entries have a sessionid, and the rest don't.

>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 8/6/2007 11:13 AM >>>
On 8/6/07, Bill Bainbridge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> File does not exist: 
> /usr/apache/httpd/htdocs/payments/images/Bttn_IAgree.gif;jsessionid=FA9B1578B6A813AAF2AB528C7DD398E4

It appears that Apache httpd doesn't recognize the ';' separator and
thinks the 'jessionid=....' is part of the file name. Of course, if the end
user has cookies enabled, that jsessionid in the URL goes away on the
second access so it works.

There may be a fix, or you could just not use httpd at all and save
yourself the trouble. :-)

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