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Daniel Stephens wrote:
> Also, make sure that whatever "jar" file has this 
> sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver class, is located in your tomcat
> common/lib.

This is a standard class that comes with the Sun JRE. There is no need
for any additional JAR files.

> As well as having a binding in your context.xml or web.xml like
> below. And have the datasource configured in the server.xml or
> equivalent(I think 5.5 sets up the Datasources a little different).
> but you'll need the following configured.

The OP is using a JDBC realm, not configuring a DataSource. Don't
complicate things, here.

I would advise the OP to check online for how to connect Java to Access
in general before adding Tomcat into the mix. Using MS Access requires
you to setup an ODBC DataSource in Windows. Have you done that? Is it
called "Auth"? The connection URL was "jdbc:odbc:Auth", so it should be.

I've never used Access with Java (or by itself, for that matter), but
I've seen connection URLs like this, too:

"jdbc:odbc:;DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);

This appears to define it's own data source instead of requiring you to
create one in the control panel.

- -chris
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