
Thank you for your response. Apart from using iptables (which may or may not work in OS X), the Tomcat setup link, "http://", seems to be the best way to go.

the only way to get rid of the port number is to have something listening on :443 (that's the way browsers are, sorry), and then hand requests over to tomcat, so to get what you want something will have to bind to :443 at some point, requiring root privs. What you want is something that will bind to the port as a privileged user and subsequently drop priv's to a limited user. the Apache web server is excellent for this kind of thing.

The easiest way to do this would be with apache sitting in front of tomcat with either mod_jk2 or forwarding requests with mod_rewrite. It doesn't really matter where the port forwarder sits, but usually you want to align with existing IT infrastructure and use an existing internal/internet web server to redirect requests to your app. If your company already has apache then this is a cinch, otherwise you'll have to figure out how to reverse-proxy with the web server du jour...

Is this close to what you're after?

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