Hi Chris

my experience has been: one tomcat instance per dev/test/prod, & the webapp on each instance always points to the same database (dev tomcat->dev db, test tomcat -> test db etc), so the database connection on a /single/ instance never changes. However when promoting code from dev to test to prod, you want to use the one war file and not have to fiddle around in it's guts to promote a change, otherwise there's the chance of error's creeping in. (prod app pointing to dev/test anyone?)

Most of the sysadmin's I've worked with really don't like the idea of having to rip open a war and update some weird config file just to do a deploy. the alternative is I know all the passwords and build a war for each target, which is a crap solution.

We should just be able to configure a datasource for a particular context in the target instance, and then forever after all deployments are database transparent. Am i missing something?

I can't understand why it would be better to target a war file for a database, than have the configuration live in the instance and the war file is database-agnostic. makes change migration a *lot* easier.

Christopher Schultz wrote:
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Matthew Kerle wrote:
I never
understood why, and personally doing things that way is a serious pain
for me since it means I need to build a separate deployment descriptor
for dev, test & prod, which means I need to know the prod database
details. which I don't want.

Actually, this is the whole point: the deployment descriptor is
different for each environment, which makes a whole lot of sense to /me/.

Is there a better way that the sysadmin can setup a JNDI datasource so
that deployed war's don't have to contain database-specific details? the
only way I've seen so far is to configure that in the server.xml...

Why not have your sysadmin manage the deployment descriptor for your
production deployments?

- -chris

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Matthew Kerle
IT Consultant
Canberra, Australia

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