I think your assumption regarding how tomcat uses docBase is in error. Path's in a HTML file are resolved by the BROWSER and as such there is no awareness of a webapp. Your path "/img/pageheader_background.png would be a site relative path to either a webapp named img or in absense of that, a folder named img in the ROOT webapp. If you want this to be correct, it should be "/web_gm/img/pageheader_background.png". Since this is in a css file, you could also do a relative reference to your css file. If the css is in a folder named css on the same level as the img folder, the reference would be ../img/pageheader_background.png


jeusdi wrote:
Hello forum, As you can see in
http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b45/jeusdi/doubt.png , from a CSS file I
refer to /img/pageheader_background.png, but when I load the HTML page, the
image isn't loaded. So, I believe tomcat doesn't found the image: CSS file
is under css folder and the image is under img folder. I don't know why
Tomcat doesn't found this image?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context path="/web_gm" reloadable="true" docBase="web_gm"

I believed that docBase tell to tomcat that "/" of the web application
deployed is "$docBase". So, if in my CSS file I write "/img/file.png"
implies that tomcat searches file under $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/web_gm/img

Can you help me please? I want to refer to my resources using "/img/...", I
don't want to use "../../img/...".

Thanks for all in advanced.

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