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dr_pompeii wrote:
> after to test my project in tomcat 5.5.23 and jdk 5 update 12
> in network(intranet-only until now with 2 clients) i see that this is fast,
> after of a some time i can see a wonderful exception
> related with java heap exception thrown by the tomcat


> ok, its works, the point is that after to restart the server, the system is
> fast again,
> but then again after of some time the performance go to very slow

This sounds like a memory leak.

> BTW: i am using pool connections related with the db area 

Are you sure that you always close your connections, statements, and
ResultSets in "finally" blocks (or are using a library that does this)?

This is sometimes the cause of memory leaks.

One thing you can do (if you're getting an OutOfMemoryException, which
it sounds like you are) is set this in your environment:

JAVA_OPTS=-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/tmp

This will (at least, on the Sun JVM) give you a heap dump if you get an
OOME. You should be able to look through that to see what types of
objects are taking up all the space. Once you have that information, you
can either make your own guesses or come back to us for some additional

- -chris
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