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Filip Hanik - Dev Lists wrote:
>> Mentioning WatchedResource is a red herring.
> reloadable attribute -> nothing to do with reloadable apps

I disagree:

"relodable (<Context> attribute)

Set to true if you want Catalina to monitor classes in /WEB-INF/classes/
and /WEB-INF/lib for changes, and automatically reload the web
application if a change is detected."

> autoDeploy attribute -> everything to do with reloadable apps

I disagree:

"autoDeploy (<Host> attribute)

This flag value indicates if new web applications, dropped in to the
appBase directory while Tomcat is running, should be automatically

Although, my configuration has autoDeploy="false" and unpackWARs="true",
and my WAR file dropped into appBase ends up being auto-deployed. Strange.

> autoDeploy uses WarchedResource to find out how/when to reload an app

Huh? This sound entirely backward.

> reloadable attribute is development use only, should never be used for
> production

Hey! I agree with that!

>> Not to mention on a less powerful windows xp machine the first scenario
>> starts in seconds...

Dan, try to get a thread dump when your server is taking forever to
startup. Just do a CRTL-\ after a waiting a few seconds after running
startup.bat and check out what the VM is doing. Who knows... maybe it's
trying to download an XML DTD from another site over a crappy connection
or something.

- -chris

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