
thebugslayer wrote:

I would suggest a TCP sniff tool like one found from axis or grinder
to peek at your http track to be sure.
Thanks for your reply. The TCP Sniffer from The Grinder is an HTTP proxy, and I already tried that:

Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in

As I wrote in my original mail, I traced the problem two levels deeper; both at the TCP/IP level at the server and in the connector between Apache and Tomcat. Post parameters are still there, but are gone once in Tomcat.

Arjan Tijms

On 8/24/07, M4N - Arjan Tijms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

We're hosting a fairly high traffic web application based on Tomcat.
It's running on Debian-Etch, JDK 5.0U10 and Tomcat 5.5.20. We're using
Apache as a front-end with the AJP connector.

The problem I'm encountering is that for a percentage of the POST
requests, Tomcat seems to loose all parameters. Our application uses a
filter that logs the (first few characters of) post parameters. This
filter is installed as the first one in the filter chain, so nothing
else can interfere with it. For requests originating from pages which
logically can not produce such an empty post request, the log clearly
shows there are no parameters.

The problem is often fairly random, although I have been able to
consistently reproduce it on one occasion. Using a proxy server to
monitor what my browser was sending, I clearly saw in the raw HTTP
headers that parameters where being send, yet they weren't received in
Tomcat. I also enabled TCP/IP packet logging at the server for a while.
For requests that appeared with empty parameters in Tomcat, the tcp/ip
log showed the parameters did arrive at the server.

Next to that I enabled debug logging in the AJP connector, and again the
POST parameters were in the HTTP request but not present when the
mentioned filter logged the request in Tomcat.

I did notice though that the overwhelming majority of the "empty post"
requests concerned Faces requests (we're using MyFaces 1.1.4). We store
state on client, so typical Faces HTTP post requests are at least 22KB
in size. Nevertheless, thousands of requests from the same pages from
all kinds of different browsers arrive with the post parameters intact.

I'm at a loss here how to proceed. Naturally I could change JSF to keep
state on server, but because of the way some custom components work
that's currently not an option. It would also not really solve the
underlying problem of course.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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