I'm using Tomcat 5.0. For my web-application I use Hibernate, Struts and 
Struts-Layout Frameworks.
I have following problem:
By starting my application with http://localhost:8080/app or 
http://my_computer_name:8080/app I can normally work with application. I can 
log me and so on.
But in server.xml I inserted in <Host ...> part the tag 
<Alias>domainname</Alias>. By calling the web-application with dommainame that 
I inserted in Alias tag, I get the 
web-application but when I try to login me in the application it fails (same 
behaviour like as the session is switched off). 
In the browser-URL I get also not more the domainname but the 
I tried to see what the problem can be with HTTPWatch. As soon the css with 
Struts-Layout is loading the adress is changed from domainname to 
Have I forgot some settings in tomcat or the problem is lieing in Struts-Layout.
Jerinic Stasa

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